
Every now and again, I buy a bunch of YA books because I see them on sale, and then I promptly ignore them. Not because they look bad or I hear anything bad, but because I’m easily distracted and other things are shiny and life happens.

Recently, I’ve started digging into those books, because really, I’ve bought an absurd number considering how many I already own, and I stumbled upon one I really, really enjoyed. And I couldn’t understand how I hadn’t heard any raving about this book, not even because it’s the greatest masterpiece on the planet but just because when you have a unique main character and an extremely shippable romance, that’s the kind of thing you usually hear about, you know?

But I hadn’t. At all. I don’t even remember what made me buy it in the first place.

And it made me really sad about all the great YA out there that’s slipping under the radar, that nobody’s talking about even though they really enjoyed it. Hence the hashtag #undertheradarYA.

It was pretty awesome to watch it blow up, but because I fear it might’ve gotten so overwhelming that perhaps it might fail to serve its purpose, I figured I’d pick out a few of the titles I saw getting the most attention, to at least provide a starting point for people hoping to use it to increase their TBRs and get some new, awesome books. Please note that these aren’t necessarily my recommendations, nor have I read them all; they’re just recommendations I saw floating around/being agreed with a lot. Also, I’m not affiliated even a little with the discount site I link to a bunch. I just buy from them regularly and it allows me to buy five billion times as many books as I otherwise would. Feel free to buy whatever from wherever, obviously.

Also, if a book has almost 10,000 adds on Goodreads, or more, it’s not on here. No matter how much I love it. That kinda defeats the purpose.

First, the book that started it: WELCOME, CALLER, THIS IS CHLOE by Shelley Coriell

IF I LIE by Corrine Jackson (I’d venture to say this was the #1 most-frequently named, which is awesome for me because I’d already ordered it last week.)

TIGER LILY by Jodi Lynn Anderson (This book has been rec’d insanely hard. Also awesome for me, since I bought it last week.)

LOVESTRUCK SUMMER by Melissa C. Walker

Several calls for “everything by” Jessica Martinez, Courtney Summers, Amy Reed, and E. Lockhart (You can buy all of Courtney Summers’ books at a deep discount here and almost everything by E. Lockhart on the same site.)

DARK STAR by Bethany Frenette

LEFTOVERS by Laura Wiess (All of her books are available on above-mentioned discount site.)


ADIOS NIRVANA by Conrad Wesselhoeft

FLORA SEGUNDA by Ysabeau S. Wilce

TOUCHING THE SURFACE by Kimberly Sabatini

THIN SPACE by Jody Casella

RECLAIMED by Sarah Guillory

MONSTROUS BEAUTY by Elizabeth Fama

MY LIFE AFTER NOW by Jessica Verdi

HOW TO SAY GOODBYE IN ROBOT by Natalie Standiford

DEAD ENDS and BUTTER by Erin Jade Lange