Q12: Repeat

(This question is part of a larger subseries called Perpetual WIPs: Self-Published Authors. For the remaining questions, see here.)

Would you do it again? Why or why not?


Yes. Because I am a storyteller and this is a way to get my stories out.


Absolutely.  It’s a crazy, mind-numbing, tear-your-hair-out-and-howl-at-the-moon amount of work, but I love it.  It suits me.  And every day I’m a little closer to my goals than I was the day before.  As long as that continues to be the case, I’ll keep on hoeing that row.


Yes. It’s given me the kind of confidence in my work and my ability that I might still be struggling to find if I hadn’t.


It was always my dream to be able to take my kid to school in the morning and pick him up after. However, I also need to work and self publishing has made that possible. Not publishers, as much as I do love them. They give me pocket change while self publishing is paying my mortgage. I feel incredibly lucky and I’d absolutely do it again 🙂


Without a doubt! I’m earning a living from my books – what’s better than that?


I will absolutely do it again! My work is being read, squealed over, and looked forward to by hungry readers, and I’m confident that the book I put in their hands was high quality in both content and design. That’s success for me, for now.


I would not that I know more about it. I think I have done more research at this point. I have a better grasp of the industry. I think it’s a wonderful opportunity for people that have books that don’t fit traditional publishing.


Yes! Definitely. It’s been a lot of fun, and it’s fantastic to have the immediate gratification of people reading and reviewing your work, knowing it’s out there and available. I love the fact that I can stay true to my story’s vision, and that I have the flexibility to try different things to see what works best for that book.

 Plus, it’s just been fun!


Absolutely. Between the creative freedom, the control, and keeping all of my profits, there’s not much that could tear me away. 


I have no regrets about self-publishing. I’ve met some amazing people and had great conversations and experiences as a result of going forward on my own. I’ve also learned a lot, which will only make my writing better in the future. As to whether or not I’d do it again in the future, likely yes, but it depends a lot on the book. Some stories are more suited to self-publishing than others.


Sure, I’d self-publish again and I plan to keep self-publishing for a while! I have the knowledge for this now, and I intend to keep using it.


Absolutely. I loved the process, and I love being my own boss. I can write what I want, and release it according to my schedule. I don’t have to wait two years, and I don’t have to edit according to publishing house guidelines. I don’t just mean in terms of the words, but of the plot. There is a freedom in working with an editor who wants your book to succeed on its own, and not to just fit in to the brand of a certain house or imprint.

And it’s really just an amazing experience. Every day I am proud of myself and my books, and my writing keeps growing stronger with every word I type. The stress and anguish I felt while I was subbing are non-existent. I write for me, I write for my readers, and I write for love.


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