Q07: Social Media

(This post is part of a larger subseries entitled Perpetual WIPs: Pre-Pub Authors. To see the rest of the questions posed, click here.)

What kinds of marketing/publicity have you done for yourself? What kinds of social media have you found to be the most helpful?


So far I have an author page on Facebook, a Twitter account, an author website/blog, and have listed the book (with what little information is available) on Goodreads. As my publication date is still 14 months away at this point, none of these social media outlets have been incredibly productive, but they’ve helped me make contact with many people within the industry and I know I’ll be glad to have the network in place when the time comes to put it to use.


I have started an author blog and use Twitter to connect with other writers, my publisher and book reviews. I already do a lot of social media as my day job is running a fashion blog, but it takes up a lot of time!


So far just a press release to local papers, a blog announcement contest. The deal was formally announced in an industry publication and made it into Pub Lunch, so that definitely helped garner some attention. I’ve started talking to local teachers about possible school visits, and libraries are next.

As far as social media, Twitter and Goodreads have proven the most useful. I do have a Facebook page, but I confess I rarely look at it.


Not much so far. I’m on Goodreads and Twitter, and plan to start a blog and an author page on Facebook.


I LOVE the marketing/publicity aspect of publishing and I’ve taken steps, even months before the release of my book to work out the details. I blog and I have a Twitter account as well as a Facebook page. I did two giveaways this year, celebrating both my birthday and my blog’s blogiversary. Both were a lot of fun and definitely helped to get my name out there on various social media. The most effective form of social media has easily been twitter. It’s so easy to connect with other writers and potential readers. I also adore Goodreads. It’s so easy to determine your target audience through that site.


I haven’t done all that much yet, but I’m still very early in the process. I love Twitter, and think that’s definitely where I’ve made the most connections with other writers, publishing professionals, and potential readers so far!


I have a website, blog, twitter, goodreads, and facebook page set up, among other things. My twitter and goodreads page seem to have been the most helpful for getting the word out about my book thus far, though I will continue to experiment. I was also lucky to have my local paper run an article about my book deal, which led to a request from a community member to speak with some local students. I can’t wait for that!


I really like twitter and goodreads. I know word of mouth sells books more than anything, but internet presence is always a good thing to have. 


Not much as of yet. I’ve got a growing list of potential readers on Goodreads, bloggers who have started reaching out, and local booksellers and librarians that I’ve been establishing relationships with. I find Twitter, Tumblr, and a dash of Pinterest to be my most helpful social media outlets. Recently, I’ve started thinking about things like release parties, book plates, and bookmarks.


I blog (occasionally). I’m on Twitter (a lot). I have a FB fanpage. I have a website. I’m on Goodreads (but I do nothing there). I have a plan of action in regards to reaching out to teens and high schools. I try to minimize my own marketing efforts because I have a day job and frankly, the book is what it is. It’s either going to speak to teens or it’s not. I know people who want to help with marketing. And I have access to things like book trailer makers and things like that. But again, I don’t know teens who actually watch book trailers (esp boys who I would like to read my book). So mostly my big marketing plan is not to be an asshole and to be accessible.


Um…I have done none. *sheepish* I do participate in some social media, but that’s to connect with the writing community–not for marketing or publicity. This year, I’ll be involved in initiatives from my publisher and maybe trying to find ways to “self-promote” that still feel really authentic and natural to me. (Do those ways exist? I hope so!)


I love Twitter for networking with other writers. I have a fairly active blog though not a huge number of followers, my blog has no platform, I just write what I want so I don’t stress about it. I’m learning how to do short, funny VLOGS (I personally won’t watch VLOGS that are longer than two minutes – keep them short and sweet and to the point) and I’ve joined up with the OneFour KidLit blog, a network of other 2014 debut authors. As it gets closer, I’ll start using my built-in audience of students at my high school to spread the good word!


As a reader, what social media sites do you use to connect with authors?

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