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I am so, so excited to announce my latest book news, which is that I’ve* sold an anthology to Sarah Barley at Flatiron, and it’ll be releasing in fall 2019!

*By “I” I mean the brilliant Victoria Marini of IGLA

His Hideous Heart is such a dream project – it’s a collection of 13 retellings of the works of Edgar Allan Poe, modernized and twisted and made generally awesome by:

Kendare Blake
Rin Chupeco
Lamar Giles
Tessa Gratton
Tiffany Jackson
Stephanie Kuehn
Emily Lloyd-Jones
Amanda Lovelace
Hillary Monahan
Marieke Nijkamp
Caleb Roehrig
and Fran Wilde

I mean, !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and another really cool thing? The corresponding original works by Poe are going to be in the book, so if you wanna do a side-by-side comparison, the work is right there. A+ to my brilliant editor for that idea, and a million thanks to Jaclyn Marta for the original idea of an anthology of Poe retellings and for letting me run with it!

(Also thanks to Jess Spotswood, Marieke Nijkamp, and Katie Locke for very patiently walking me through the mechanics and logistics of anthologies. They are such good people and you should get yourself A Tyranny of Petticoats, The Radical Element, Toil & Trouble, Unbroken, and It’s a Whole Spiel!)

The book is already on Goodreads, so please do add it if you’re so inclined!