Thanks to the absolutely fabulous Suzi Retzlaff, I am now the proud recipient of The Booker Award, an award given to book bloggers provided they blog at least 50% about books, including reading or writing. (Good thing my TV blogging seems to have fallen to the wayside, huh? But probably not for long…)

As per the rules of receiving the award, I must share my top five favorite books of all time (though apparently more than five is OK) and then bestow the award upon 5-10 other book bloggers who share my fabulousness. And so, without further ado, I present…

My Totally-More-Than-Five Favorite Books

SONG OF SOLOMON by Toni Morrison
LATER, AT THE BAR by Rebecca Barry
THE CATCHER IN THE RYE by JD Salinger (Yes, sorry, it’s true, but I have my reasons)
CRACKED UP TO BE by Courtney Summers
MEMOIRS OF A GEISHA by Arthur Golden
MOLOKA’I by Alan Brennert
The Secret Society Girl series by Diana Peterfreund

And now for some awesome book bloggers upon whom I bestow The Booker Award!

Melanie Stanford – “Daydreamer to Writer”
Valerie Cole (who needs to change her tagline ASAP as she is no longer “seeking” representation!)
Elizabeth Briggs – “Liz Writes”
Danielle Poiesz – “Reading Between the Lines”
Jessa Russo

You know what that means: If you’re not already reading their blogs, get on that immediately!!